Laura Covill


Faculty email:


I come originally from Oxford, England, and my first research experience was at the university there in the lab of Dianne Newbury working on molecular genetics of autism, dyslexia and other neurologies. Since then, I did my BSc in Biochemistry at King’s College London, and also received a masters degree from the University of York. I started my PhD at Karolinska with Yenan in November 2019, developing a pipeline to improve molecular diagnosis of primary immunodeficiencies using whole genome and epigenetic data. I am a tea fanatic, so at least adapting to the Swedish fika tradition hasn’t been too challenging! In my spare time, I love to bake, play cards and think of amusing (to me, anyway) puns to title my research projects.

EDIT: During the Covid-19 pandemic, Laura continues to use inappropriately humorous research project titles but now also includes glaring at strangers on public transport on her list of hobbies.


Tessa Campbell


Lars Gerullat