Lamberto Torralba Raga


¡Hola! I received my BSc degree in Biochemistry in 2012 from the University of Valencia, Spain. Later, I moved to Stockholm to pursue a MSc degree in Biomedicine at Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, which was completed in 2014. Currently, I’m enrolled and about to finish the Experimental Medicine PhD Program at Karolinska Institutet. My research addresses the immunoregulation of cytotoxic lymphocytes in severe systemic autoimmunity as well as how genetic variants lead to sterile inflammation in children.  


In my spare time I enjoy reading science fiction, going out for a run and traveling. So, if you do not find me in the lab you may see me in a triathlon competition or training at Stockholm’s Olympic Stadium!

Faculty email:


Heinrich Schlums


Beatrice Zitti